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Juli 29, 2011

Japanese Lesson

Starting now,,, i'll post all Japanese material & paperwork from my class on this blog...

Agustus 09, 2009

Bay Bolete

I found this mushroom when i went camping to Gede Mt. West java Indonesia.

according the identify from the mushroom patch this is Bay Bolete. i think its like dorayaki cake,
here a little reference from (www.wildmanstevebrill.com) about the bay bolete has a reddish-brown to yellow-brown, smooth, convex to flat cap 1-1/4 to 4 inches across, sticky to dry the flesh slowly bruises purplish brown.
The tubes may be sunken near the stem or slighty run down the stem. The small, dull yellow pores slowly bruise blue, then brown. The spores are olive-brown. The stalk is 1-5/8 to 3.5 inches long, 3/8 to 3/4 inches thick, yellow-brown to reddish brown.
This mushroom grows under deciduous or coniferous trees throughout eastern North America in the summer and fall.
Although nonpoisonous, its not all tasty. I tried it once, and found it better as a model for making sculptures than for the table.

Letusan Semeru mencapai 1000 meter

Gunung Semeru (3.676 mdpl) di Jawa Timur,
mengeluarkan letusan cukup keras dan material vulkanik yang membumbung
hingga ketinggian 1.000 meter dari puncak Semeru pada Sabtu malam (8/8).
"Suara letusan Gunung Semeru pada Sabtu (8/8) malam cukup keras dan
materialnya diperkirakan menyembur hingga mencapai sekitar 1.000 meter,"
kata tokoh masyarakat Desa Sumbermujur, Kecamatan Candipuro, Kabupaten
Lumajang, Jawa Timur, Hery Gunawan, Minggu.
Menurut dia, hampir semua warga di lereng Semeru di Desa Sumbermujur
warga Desa Sumbermujur keluar rumah rumah untuk melihat aktivitas Semeru,
namun mereka tidak panik mendengar letusan itu.
"Warga keluar rumah hanya untuk memandang letusan itu dari depan rumah
masing-masing. Warga sudah terbiasa dengan bunyi letusan itu," katanya
Namun diakui bunyi letusan yang terdengar pada Sabtu (8/8) malam lebih
keras dibandingkan beberapa bulan terakhir
Warga di lereng Semeru, kata dia, mendengar bunyi letusan yang cukup
keras terakhir kali pada awal Februari lalu dan mendengar letusan yang
hampir sama kerasnya pada Sabtu (8/8) malam sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB.
"Warga justru senang mendengar letusan Semeru karena letusan itu
menandakan Semeru tidak berbahaya," katanya.
Setelah letusan itu, kata dia, tidak ada tanda-tanda hujan abu atau
lahar dingin yang turun sehingga warga lereng Semeru menjalankan
aktivitasnya ssperti biasa.
"Tidak ada hujan abu hingga Minggu ini sehingga warga bekerja di sawah
dengan tenang," katanya.
Sementara petugas Pos Pantau Pengamatan Gunung Api (PPGA) Semeru di
Gunung Sawur, Kabupaten Lumajang, Hery Kuswandarto membenarkan letusan
Semeru yang cukup keras pada Sabtu (8/8) malam sehingga terdengar oleh
warga di sekitar lereng Semeru.
"Letusan Semeru mencapai ketinggian 1.000 meter, namun hal itu adalah
perilaku wajar Semeru," katanya.
Ia menjelaskan, letusan Semeru pada hari-hari normal mencapai
ketinggian sekitar 500-600 meter dari puncak Semeru.
Beberapa bulan terakhir, kata dia, Semeru hanya mengeluarkan letusan
kurang dari 50 kali letusan setiap harinya sehingga statusnya masih
"Data di PPGA Semeru tercatat jumlah letusan Semeru selama sehari ini
mencapai 17 kali letusan," katanya.

-Sumber Antara-

Agustus 05, 2009

Macro Lenses

One of the main reasons for buying a so called macro lens that focuses from infinity down to one-half life-size (or, in a few cases, even down to 1:1) is the ease of making closeups. In wildlife work insects are the most typical subjects photographed with macro lenses, and many insect are very shy of approach. you must be able to stay as far away from them as possible to make good pictures. for this reason i don't recommend using standard focal-lenght macro lenses. You'll find a 90mm, a 105mm, or even 200mm macro lens much more useful

Macro lenses tend to be slower than regular lenses of the same focal lenghts. Macros are optically designed to produce their finest depictions at close range; often they are not as good as greater distances as regular lenses. But if you are interested in general nature photography, including landscapes as well as animals, i suggest you buy a standard macro lens rather than the standard lens marketed with your camera. I would like also buy a short telephoto macro lens instead of regular short telephoto. bear in mind that the cost of these macro optics will be considerably greater than the cost of regular lenses of the same focal lengths.
If you don't own any macro lenses, you can still do closeup photography of insects and flowers and other small objects, either by inserting extention tubes or bellows between the camera body and the lens or by adding closeup lenses or teleconverters to your regular lenses. these methods yield excellent results.
Macro lenses are more convinient because they allow continuous focusing without having to add accessories, but using macros is not the only way to make good closeup pictures (adopted from photographing wildlife)

Agustus 04, 2009

a poem from my friend

Love is like an arrow

when it darted out from the bowstring
it will cross everywhere, not your arm nor my arm could break it
it will stay over there
and time would not make love rusted out